Conducting a Linear Algebra term project on a domain I am not familiar with.
Linear AlgebraGeneralized Procrustes Analysis (GPA)Principal Component Analysis (PCA)3D SlicerSlicerMorphLatex
Raspberry pi and Arduino based mobile robot.
Remote controlArduinoRaspberry Pi
Using an SVM classifier that recognizes filter-conditioned EMG pattern to control a 5 DoF manipulator.
EMG signal processingManipulatorML
Visualization of the KITTI dataset in ROS.
Self-driving carsVisualizationROS
MLF6110 is a self-navigated object searching robot implementing BRISK algorithm and Gmapping.
SLAMBRISKROSMobile platform
Learn MathWorks product online, such as MATLAB, Simulink.
System controlMATLABSimulink
Using Stable Baseline3 library to solve 2 environment.
Reinforcement LearningML
Finish delivery task in Gazebo, with social force driven crowd.
A repository full of motion planning and robot simulations.
ROSRoboticsMotion PlanningSLAM
Dive into stable diffusion.
MLAI Generated Content
A ROS application using Smach implement state machine for an analogy.
ROSActionlibSMACHFinite State Machine
A Qt application using AES128 implementing DCT, DWT, LSB steganography.