Tools: ROS YOLO Pedsim Moveit SLAM

Postoffice Sim


In this side project, I try to simulate crowds and robot in the same environment, and let the robot pick a package from the postoffice and deliver to the houses.

The crowds is simulated by SPACiSS, a crowd simulation based on pedsim_ros, the ROS version of Christian Gloor’s libpedsim, the implementation of social force model of Helbing et. al.

The robot model I used is from the chapter 5 of ROS Robotics Projects - Second edition, published by Packt.

The robot has to identify the suitcase, so I used darknet_ros, the ROS implementation of YOLO (V3).

I currently stuck at this problem, if you have any thoughts or you want to cooperate with me on the project, pls let me know.